The Path to Purpose

In 2018, I embarked on my first global(x) journey to Costa Rica, an experience that would turn my world upside down in the best way possible. I was a high school student at the time, and the excitement of traveling was magnified by the fact that I was with most of my InsideOut group, friends that had already become like family. Before this journey, I had never truly immersed myself in the act of serving others on such a deep level. However, God used this opportunity to reveal to me a great love for service that I had not yet discovered. He had big plans for me!

During the trip, the strong sense of community I felt with my global(x) team members was tangible, but more importantly, I found myself fostering a deep and meaningful relationship with God. This experience left me hooked on the joy and fulfillment that comes from serving others.

Fast forward to 2019, and there I was, back in Costa Rica for round two. This adventure only deepened my love for serving and for God’s work. It was during this trip that I began to ask myself, "How else can God use me?"

With this question in mind, I was determined to find new ways to serve. I started to regularly reach out to Ashley Gonzalez, the director of Hope Partners Costa Rica at the time, about an internship opportunity. My pestering—er, persistence paid off, and in 2021, she invited me to intern at the Hope Center in Costa Rica for five incredible weeks. This internship was a pivotal moment for me, as God used it to show me what it truly means to live for Him every day.

That internship was like a masterclass in living for God. Every day was a new lesson in love, patience, and joy. By the end, I knew deep in my heart that Costa Rica wasn't done with me yet. Despite the ups and downs over the years, the times I felt closest to God were when I was knee-deep in serving His kingdom.

And guess what? God orchestrated another encore! I’m now back in Costa Rica for another summer internship. And, I’m more on fire for God and His kingdom than ever. My journey has shown me that living a life dedicated to serving others in God's name is not just fulfilling—it also brings me closer to Him. This passion and commitment to serve continue to shape my path, and I can't wait to see where God leads me next. Buckle up, world—this ride is far from over!

globalX Admin