Spotlight: global(x) and WCIO Serve in Guatemala!

It’s not easy to put words around the incredible experience of our Woodstock City InsideOut global(x) journey to Guatemala. Here's a glimpse into what it was like to work alongside 410 Bridge, learn about the Guatemalan culture, and get to know the people we were blessed to serve. They truly impacted our hearts.

The Community Connection

When you walk into a new situation, it feels uncomfortable at first. We didn't know what to expect or how we’d be received, but we were so graciously welcomed during the time we spent in Guatemala.  

We visited two different communities, and the kids and adults couldn't be more excited. We were able to teach the schoolkids some English—the teachers and parents were just as engaged. And we told them about the love Jesus has for us (the reason we were there), the love he has for them (the reason we were sharing), and the mutual love we have for them as children of God.

We played games with the kids, worked alongside the entire community to plant trees for shade on their soccer field, and helped clean up the community. We shared a meal at the home of a member of the Leadership Counsel and visited and prayed with five different families. While making a difference in the community, we made new friends—and we were impacted by each person we encountered!

For me, the best part of this journey was how the older kids, adults, and elders recognized how much we cared and how we wanted to walk alongside them in any way we could. We showed them that we wanted to love like Jesus loves—and they reciprocated.

It was the beginning of understanding how, when people work together in a community toward one common goal, we can move mountains—quite literally. Collectively, we moved a boulder from a rockslide to clear the road!

Our 410 Bridge Partner

From the moment we arrived, the staff of 410 Bridge, our global(x) partner, was there to greet us, transport us, feed us, and treat us like special guests in their community. By the end of the week, they felt like family. We had to travel a long way to reach the designated communities we were serving, and it took some advanced driving skills to get there. All the details of the ride were planned perfectly, including scrumptious food (they said we needed good fuel for our bodies to do great things in the communities), comfortable hotels (they told us we needed to be well rested to have clear minds and healthy hearts to give our all to people), and safe transportation (they knew the safest and best routes to take).

Transformation and Life Change

I had not met any of my global(x) teammates before arriving at the Atlanta airport Saturday morning, other than speaking with them on a Zoom call. That’s not usually the case, but I was a late replacement for another team member who was unable to serve. I also had never been on any type of mission trip. I expected that when I traveled to a country I’d never visited, with people I’d never met, to do work that I’d never done, it would be an awkward experience. But I rested in the belief that God placed each of us on that team for a reason.

Following a long trip and restful night, we were able to share our first breakfast and devotional together. Getting to know one another helped put some of us at ease. By the end of the second day, after visiting with the Leadership Counsel and sharing more stories and time together, our team started to open up with one another. On each succeeding day, with each opportunity to serve, ride, eat, share devotions, and debrief together, we became more and more comfortable. We laughed, shed tears, sang, played games, served, and grew together. By the final night, it felt like we were family.

This trip expanded my understanding of poverty. I noticed that many people in Guatemala had truly valuable things—love, family, community, and unity—more than many of us do at home. Returning home, we knew we could do more to serve and love people better in our own community. It was a transformative experience I wouldn’t trade for the world.

I hope this gives you an idea of what a week on a global(x) journey can do for you—and for others. I implore you: Quit making excuses (like I did for way too long) and create the space and time to go on one of these journeys. I promise it will forever change, stretch, and transform you. —Chris Adams, Journey Leader

globalX Admin