Global(x) Launches New Group Study

Do you know the last words Jesus spoke while he was here on earth?

In Acts 1:8, Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

You may not realize it, but by serving on a global(x) journey, you've followed Jesus’s command. We are all called to be witnesses, and not just here at home, but to the ends of the earth—and we’ve been empowered and equipped to do just that!

Global(x) is excited to announce that we’ve launched To the Ends of the Earth, a new three-part study focused on Jesus’s last words and what it means to be a witness around the world. It features lead pastors Jamey Dickens, Rahul Agarwal, and Joel Thomas, who partnered with us to unpack the verse and its importance and talk through how we can practically apply it today.

Maybe you know someone who's been thinking about taking a global(x) journey. Or maybe you'd like to share your global(x) experience and the impact it’s had on your faith journey with your small group. Check it out here.

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