Home Is Where The Heart Is

Doc Holliday has led and participated in countless global(x) journeys. Most recently he served on our men’s Middle East Holy Land team. When he came back, he reflected on his experience—how God was working through him and in him—and we couldn’t help but share.

Sacred Spaces: These photos represent my trip to the Holy Land. Each of these is a holy, sacred, revered place of worship and inspires awe in its own right. Yet the first one, the makeshift table constructed from a ragged wood crate, a few pieces of tile, and a mountain of boulders, represents the most meaningful space of all. It's home.

This is the front entrance of the house we helped restore for the woman who lost her husband to drugs and prison. She also lost her mother while we were there. She was devastated and in mourning when we left her, but she hadn't seen the finished product. She was thrilled to see the progress being made in the first two days, but because of her mother's sudden heart attack, she wouldn't see us again.

This is where sacred meets community and the world changes. Because of a small band of brothers who put in some time and a whole lot of effort, this woman can now come home to a repaired and freshly painted house and feel comforted and secure. Although it may not seem that way at first, I believe God will show her that she is seen, that she is loved, and that she is not alone. The table will draw her neighbors together and give them a place to gather and be there for her and for one another like never before.

You see, no one can stop what God puts in motion. He definitely had a sweet plan that required some hard work, creativity, and ingenuity to bring what was lost and make it found again.

I love being part of projects like this because I often have no clue what the end looks like, but I trust and believe that God has me right where he needs me. All I have to do is come to the table and sit with him and watch him reveal his mighty heart.

Tables are simply altars where we gather to worship by sitting with and caring for one another.

Pull up a chair and do likewise, my friends.

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