How Much Impact Can One Team Make?

Think a week of service isn’t enough time to make a difference?

Last month, our global(x) Holy Land teams spent the week working alongside our partner Seeds of Hope. “Each time a team comes to work with us, we’re blown away by the amount they accomplish and the depth of the relationships they form with people in our community,” said Khader Ghanim, Seeds of Hope CEO.

In just four days, the medical team staffed a clinic that saw over 350 patients, performed 50 ultrasounds, administered medicine to 287 people, and distributed more than 75,000 vitamins. At the same time, the spa team pampered women in the community with spa services that included over 300 facials, manicures, and pedicures. More than 750 people were served in ways that provided care for both their physical and emotional well-being. 

Impressive, right? Well, there’s more. While the medical clinic and spa saw hundreds of people, the construction team spent several days working on a construction project that made a world of difference for one family in particular.

Fayzeh was introduced to Seeds of Hope almost nine years ago. She was in a challenging season of life, and a friend recommended that she reach out to them. Over time, she became more and more involved in their women’s programs.

“The time I spent with the Seeds of Hope women’s program was my rescue,” Fayzeh said. “I found out that there was hope. I became friends with the other women. The respect, appreciation, and humility I received from Seeds of Hope were so rare. It helped me to change my life.”

The Seeds of Hope programs impacted Fayzeh so significantly that she began to volunteer. She’s now an assistant coach in their women’s fitness classes, and two of her daughters found work in their daycare and kindergarten classes. They’re now part of the Seeds of Hope family.

Earlier this year, there was a devastating electrical fire in the home that Fayzeh shares with several of her children and grandchildren. Her six-month-old grandchild was asleep in one of the bedrooms. Thankfully, a neighbor was able to help them rescue the child. Miraculously, everyone survived, but the house was essentially destroyed. With nowhere to go and without the resources to rebuild, Fayzeh and her family did their best to make one room of the home habitable. For several months, eight people shared that one room, surrounded by reminders of the fire.

Last month, our global(x) team began to restore more of the home, which gave Fayzeh and her family more living space. The team was able to fix some of the electrical issues, paint, and make some other needed repairs. Now the family has a little more space, a little more privacy, and a little more hope for their future.

“If Seeds of Hope did not fix the bedroom for us, it may have stayed like that forever,” Fayzeh said. “For three of four months, nobody except Seeds of Hope has offered to help or even knocked on our door. The house looks so much better, and I love Seeds of Hope even more.”

Khader said, “We’re so humbled by the impact these teams have made in their time visiting Seeds of Hope. Whether it’s something as small as providing vitamins to a child or as big as giving a family a safe place to sleep at night, your partnership helps makes a difference in our community every single day.”

We couldn’t be more proud to partner with such an incredible organization, and we are honored to work alongside them in all that they do.

Together, this is how we make a difference—we step out in faith and become the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.

If you’re interested in serving on one of our journeys to the Holy Land or any of our other domestic or international partner locations, visit our website.

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